Tuesday, January 13, 2009

wet mexico

(i apologize for the lack of apostrophes, but mexican keyboards are seriously messed up)

its day two in mexico. this is the dry season and "the best time to visit". i should exploring chichen itza right now, but it has been raining constantly, so i thought i`d rest a bit and hope for better weather tomorrow.

in the meantime i am stuck in vallalodid. vallalodid is supposed to be a nice place. however the niceness seems to be hidden by the rain and the mud and the gloomy skies. citywide construction has turned the roads into muddy rivers. the famous ex-washington senator (the baseball team) antonio aguilar who "is always glad to help touristas" was very unhappy when i stopped in to say hi and ask for advice.

no one speaks english. my spanish will improve quickly, i think. im off to explore a nearby cave, if i can convince someone to take me.


Olaf Brandt said...

Wow! You really know how to sell the place. I'm sure it's paradise once the sun returns.

Unknown said...

I see you are already starting to upset the locals. I wouldn't mess with antonio aguilar too much. I heard he was quite the slugger back in the day.