Friday, April 29, 2005

a preview

tommorrow i head into the mekong delta for 3-5 days. then i grab a boat to pho quoc island, the still largely undeveloped vietnamese island paradise, where i'll be taking a 1 week vacation from my travels.

on the 11th, i fly to signapore and from there my malaysian oddessy begins.

how's this for a slick deal: i found a flight from saigon to singapore for $6. i rule.


Anonymous said...

Well, I just thought you should know that those of us stuck over here in the boring world of work, work, work really miss you. I hope you are having a great time (it appears that this is the case). It's good to see you're still getting good deals (money for nothing and your chicks for free). Drop me a line, it would be great to update you on my life. But beware, it is not nearly as exciting as getting a sweet deal like $6 for a flight from saigon to singapore. - Carla

Anonymous said...

I think what Carla meant to say was:

"Well, I just thought you should know that those of us stuck over here in the boring world of work, work hard, in fact, we work too hard to really miss you."

Have fun & be cheap